Wednesday, September 6, 2017

5A – Identifying Local Opportunities

1. Before Paying Collections Debts, Check Your Credit Reports
The story - As debt is bought and sold mistakes are sometimes made by debt collectors leading them to pursue you for money you may not know. The scary thing is it is very difficult to check if you actually do have debt. You must check a credit report and even that may not be accurate because not all creditors report to agencies.
The problem - There is no one place that keeps track of all your debt. This means that debt collectors can request and pursue you for debt you dont actually owe. It is very difficult to prove you do not owe the debt since there is no central database.
The who - Any person in the United States of America being pursued by debt collector for a debt they may not owe.

2. How to Handle Credit Card Bills During an Emergency
The story - When an emergency strikes, like the upcoming hurricane for example paying for a credit card is often not on peoples minds. Or they might not even be able to pay the bills due to a power outage. Not paying credit card bills in a timely manner can create large fines making a bad situation even worse. It also hurts your credit in a time when you may need it most.
The problem - While people deal with an emergency, they may not be able to pay bills resulting in large fines. This makes there already bad situation worse. It also hurts your credit in a time when you may need it most.
The who - Anyone with bills who may be subject to an emergency situation

3. Couple arrested after child found in hot car
The story - Two parents were arrested after leaving there child in a hot car at Butler plaza. The child was asleep and they forgot it was in the back. Now the parents are being charged with child abuse.
The problem - Maybe these two are bad parents or maybe they actually did simply forget the child. I have heard stories of tired parents forgetting there child before, at school or around the house. Perhaps these two made an honest mistake. There should be a product to prevent children from being forgotten, something that sent an alert to your phone on some trigger for example.
The who - Parents of young children.

4. Opioid abuse, treatment on agenda at HealthStreet
The Story - An organization called Health Street is holding a meeting to bridge the gap between health care system and health research on the opioid epidemic in the United States. Treatment is not widely understood on what has quickly become a very serious issue. Theres a gap between the number of people who us opioids in the U.S. and the number of health care providers who can treat the issue.
The problem - Opioid use has become a large issue and not many health care providers can provide treatment.
The who - Health care providers and people suffering opioid addication.

5. UF study finds not all popular diets supported by clinical trials
The story -  Researchers at UF have found little scientific evidence that many popular diets actually work. Researchers found high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets "are the most advantageous". However, even among diets thats worked it was mostly short term weight loss of about 5%.
The problem - Many popular diets are not actually supported by clinical trials. People may be spending money on a diet that does not actually work. Further they may actually be eating an unhealthy diet that they believe is healthy.
The who - People Trying to diet.


  1. I really liked this post. The articles you chose were very detailed and in depth. And the organization of your assignment is great and exactly what was asked. The third article is unbelievable to me. The situation is unknown but that is just unacceptable. And I really liked the second article. That is good knowledge for anyone especially since an emergency scenario happens to everyone. Great post!

  2. Hey Harry! You definitely found some interesting articles for this assignment. I can understand a couple getting in trouble for leaving their child, but I do not think it would be reasonable for both parents to be arrested considering this will leave the child with no parents at all. That is a hard situation to find a solution to because parents don’t typically forget their child except for an extremely rare occasion.

  3. Great post! The article I found most interesting was "UF study finds not all popular diets supported by clinical trials" because most diets are only temporary. Personally, I follow a high carb, low fat diet plant based diet and I have been very successful (over the past 2 years) and have seen many results such as weight-loss and my skin clearing. Anyone who only sticks with a diet for a few weeks will not see results.
