1) In the beginning I was very excited about this class. I put a lot of work into this class. However, I quickly became less excited with my idea. I did not realize that we would have to work off this one idea for the entire rest of the semester. As the semester wore on especially around the time where there were a lot of assignments to interview people I lost interest in the class. I think this is reflected in my blog. Then as we moved away from the interviews I regained some interest.
2) The most formative experience I believe where the elevator pitches. These taught me a lot about explaining my idea simply and quickly. They also helped me have a better understanding of my own idea and service. As I spoke my ideas out loud there were certain things that I thought "wow that sounded better in my head". There were other things that I hadn't really thought to much about but when I vocalized them I thought wow that would be really cool.
3) I don't see myself as an entrepreneur yet but I think this class helped me move towards that mindset. I still have a long ways to go and a lot to learn. However, this class definitely helped me in identifying opportunities and looking at their strengths and weaknesses. Staying on my one idea all semester made me see a lot of weaknesses I did not previously know to look for.
4) This class really does not require very much work. To get the most out of it watch the lectures in the beginning of the week and look at the prompts. Some prompts can require a couple days to complete if they require interviews. If it doesn't throughout the week just think about whatever the prompt is. When you have an idea write it down. Then at the end of the week bring all your ideas together for your blog post.
I understand where you are coming from that you don't see yourself as an entrepreneur yet. But I agree I believe I have a lot to learn but, definitely headed in the right direction. For me it was actually writing the blogs and getting my thoughts down on paper helped me the most. Definitely for this class is just to stay organized and try and decide on something you think could really work.