Friday, October 6, 2017

11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

1. My name is Lee and I'm a sophomore computer science student. I think my biggest talent is my programming ability. Iv grown up around tech start-ups my entire life, with my dad working as a venture capitalist. I have also worked for tech start-ups in the past and am currently working for one now. If there is one thing I know about start-ups is there is only one way to go in and thats all the way. Especially with tech start-ups it seems the only way to be successful is to allow it to consume your life and work long hours. However the pay off in the end can be huge. Personally I am willing to make that trade off.
2. I am offering a way for people visiting various locations to enhance that experience through Augmented Reality. This could mean many things such as changing the way a place looks to more resemble its past, to adding npc characters to really bring a place to life.
3. I am focusing on augmenting travel rather than just simulating it. This means that I am mostly focusing on upper middle to upper class customers probably. I see the main use of my product at historic sites so it would mostly be used by those with some interest in history.
4. Millennials focus on experiences rather than material objects more than any other generation in the past. An experience is what my product is offering. I believe that most people would believe it is worth a little extra money to enhance their experiences when traveling.
5. Several things set me apart, the first is my programming ability and general technical knowledge. The second is my experience having worked for and around startups in the past I have an inside look at what it takes.

The biggest weakness of my business is making the Augmented Reality look real enough for the customers. This will take a lot of technical talent and probably require a lot of very complicated math. It will also require an artist which I am not. I would need to find and recruit someone, preferably with some experience in 3d modeling.


  1. I think your idea sounds interesting and the VR stuff is super cool. I am a little confused on the way you are describing its use in traveling. Is the point of the VR to let me travel to Europe from my living room or be in a hotel that looks like my living room from Europe. Programming is a really neat skill to have!

  2. • I definitely think that if you can make your virtual reality product look real then it will be a big seller. I think it is awesome that you have had experience working with this kind of stuff so you can avoid making potential errors that beginners would be likely to make. I also think millennials would be a huge hit for the product.
