Wednesday, October 18, 2017

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2

I had two comments of feedback on my first elevator pitch. Both were positive and did not offer any specific suggestions of things to change. I think expecting us to get and receive feedback from our classmates is kind of ridiculous. We are all at the same point so we will probably all be making the same mistakes meaning no one will point out those mistakes in there feedback. Also people generally will be very nice in their feedback, even if it is not the truth, to avoid hurting others feelings.

The closest thing to criticism i received was one person voicing concern about how people would feel about it since its not "the real thing". My idea would be used to supplement the experience of going to see the real thing not replace it. There will be technology that is completely virtual tourism, going to sites without ever leaving your living room through VR. However while it is not "the real thing" it is meant to be an alternative for those who cannot afford travel, not as a replacement for those who can.


  1. Hey! I think you did a great job on this elevator pitch. You sound very informed and confident about your idea! It’s great that you have had the experience of actually being somewhere and having the advantage of being able to travel because that allows you to compare the actual real thing to this virtual technology that you would like to create. I also think it is very cool that you could create places that have been torn away over time that people would not be able to see otherwise.

  2. Nice work on your elevator pitch. I do like how you clarified in your post who this opportunity is proposed for. As your opportunity is to serve as those who cannot afford to travel and can envision the beautiful sites of the world and is not to serve as a replacement. Directing your idea for that purpose I believe will serve great for those people that can't afford it and potentially after seeing it through VR it'll make them do what they can to earn the money to experience the real thing.

  3. Hey, great job on your elevator speech. Your speech was well formed and easy to understand. VR stuff would cause the problem like "the real thing" but i'm sure you will figure those stuff out. I agree with your ideas about feedback, cause that is exactly what I thought, we are on same page and same level.
