- I was not aware of Elon Musk's childhood in South Africa and how it affected him to this day.
- The thing I admire most about Elon Musk is his tenacity and innovative spirit. He has succeeded many times and immediately poured that money back into his next venture. He is not afraid to try and fail to make his ideas become reality.
- This thing I admire least about him is his obsession to work. He has no work life balance and is known to be extremely compassionate towards others. This led to his wife leaving him.
- He has faced adversity many times. Growing up in South Africa he was bullied and then he emigrated to the United States, no easy task. He was ousted from Paypal and could have simply retired but he instead turned around and started another company.
2) He achieves the unbelievable and does what many think is impossible. I believe this is because of the dedication to work he demands from all his employees. Above I said it is something I do not admire about him, and i dont. But I believe it is a trait that was necessary his success.
3) Elon Musk himself confuses me. He is a very eccentric man and I often wonder if he often has motivations we do not understand. I dont mean that in a sinister way but it would not surprise me if there were things that he did not tell the general public.
4) I would ask him about his future plans for Tesla and Space Ex. Both are massive companies known across the world but they are not profitable yet. How does he plan to keep them afloat in the long run if they do not become profitable. I would ask him about what other ideas he has that he simply has not shared with the world yet.
5) Elon Musk is well known for his work ethic. He often takes it to extremes sacrificing in other areas like his personal life. He is also known to demand the same from his employees. While I do believe in working hard I also believe in a work life balance. I think Elon Musk takes hard work to an unhealthy extreme.
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